Note:  All "Dinkit projects" are designed to run on any IBM type PC. Sorry no MAC users.

What is "Project Dinkit"?

The Dinkit Project explains the inner workings of an Operating System in the simplest possible manner. The project is a series of programs packages. All program packages being progressive. Beginning from a simple starting point and progresses to a complete working Operating System. Each program package building from the previous package. Start with "system disk 1" and go to "system disk XX" or what ever. An attempt will be make to keep the system under 16k.

 Is Dinkit a lot of "POO"? YES!!
 "POO" is an acronym for:
 1. "Practical Order of Operation"
 2. "Procedure Order of Operation"
 3. "Proper Order of Operation"
 4. "Proposed Order of operation"
 Pick any one, they're all correct.


In all walks of life it is necessary to setup a "POO list" (Proposed Order of Operation List) in everything that we do. If you want to make a cake, you need to have the proper ingredients. Having the proper ingredients alone isn't enough. You still need to follow the recipe's "Proposed Order List" (POO List). Not following the "POO List" results in a poor tasting cake. The (POO List) and the final result of the cake go hand in hand.
Congratulations! You now know the most basic foundation of putting together an Operating System.


Down load #1 called Do_me_first:
"Dink_tty" is the OS in the "Do_me_first" package. It's an introductory OS on this project list. Although it doesn't really fit into my "POO list", I have decided to include it as a prerequisite to the "Dinkiest project" because it's a stepping stone for the readers that are not up to speed on OS internals. "Dink_tty" maybe the worlds smallest OS for the IBM type PC, having 29 bytes of code. Don't skip this project because of its small size... remember, you may like the taste of cake, but you may not know its ingredients? So check out the ingredients in "Dink_tty"

Down load #2 called Do_me_second:
"M_Dinkit" is the OS in the "Do_me_second" package. Again "M_Dinkit" does not really fit into my "POO list", But I have decided to include  "M_Dinkit" because it holds the start up code that is used in all of the rest of the "Dinkit" projects. "M_Dinkit" can run out of a standard boot sector or out of Ms-dos, Free-dos and others. This may be the worlds smartest OS under 512 bytes. It is very stable, and is easy to use with its menu driven concept. "Dink_512" displays complex pages of virgin memory before any OS gets in to change anything. Although very technical, this was the tool used to get the basics for this for this Project.

Down load#3 called Do_me_third:
“M_Boot” is the boot file for all of the 50 or so ” Dinkit Projects” in the “Do_me_third” package. “M_Boot” needs to be learned one time and you’re done. The original Dinkit Projects had a different boot file for each system disk. The boot file had to be altered to adjust to the different size kernel files. In the new boot file system you just need one boot file and it works with all size kernel files.

Down load#4 call System disk 01:
Sys_001 is the first of many system disks to come. Sys_001 is about 400 byte is size and is the bare bones kernel core. Many parts are stub out and goes no where in this version. These parts will be updated in later versions and one new  function wil be added system disk.

For more detailed information on the Dinkit project go to
For more information setup more for the benefit of the user go to